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Learning and Development Ecosystem For Employees, Communities And Ai Models

Elevate Your HR with Plademy's Comprehensive Tech Index

Dive into the Plademy HR Tech Index to discover an extensive selection of solutions catering to every HR need.

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Ai Training


Resolve your copyright problems and train your Ai risk-free.

Books, Datasets, Programs For The Fine Tuning and Training of Ai Bots or Models

Employee Dev


Manage the successful and sustainable employee programs.

Mentoring, Coaching, Employee Engagement, Talent Management, Corporate Culture, LMS and HR Tech Solutions

Community Tools


Create the most active and engaged community in the world.

Custom Social Network, Membership Platform, Mentoring Program, Event Management and Community Building Tools

Explore Program Samples For Employees

Plademy connects organizations with program designers, consultants, software providers (SaaS), and facilitators to make all employee and community programs succesful.

Financial Flourish

Improve the financial skills and leadership abilities of banking professionals. Create a culture of excellence and boost employee engagement.

Intregrations :

Mentoring Software, Learning Management System (LMS), Internal Social Network

Program Modules :

Facilitation Service, Leadership Workshops, Ai Powered Cources

Wellness Workforce Wave

Enhance patient care through continuous professional development, nurturing a committed and proficient healthcare workforce.

Integrations :

Patient Management System, Internal Communication Platform

Program Modules :

Medical Training Workshops, Wellness Programs, Employee Assistance Programs

Industrial Insight Incubator

Propel operational efficiency and technical prowess among industrial professionals, nurturing a culture of innovation and employee dedication.

Intregrations :

Project Management Software, Operational Efficiency Analytics

Program Modules :

Technical Training Workshops, Safety Training, Lean Manufacturing Consulting

Tourism Talent Trailblazer

Elevate customer satisfaction and digital marketing skills among tourism professionals, nurturing a culture of excellence and employee loyalty.

Intregrations :

Project Management Software, Operational Efficiency Analytics

Program Modules :

Technical Training Workshops, Safety Training, Lean Manufacturing Consulting

These programs embody a blend of innovation, practical knowledge, and industry-specific insights, providing a glimpse into the boundless possibilities awaiting you with Plademy.

Whether you're in banking, healthcare, or any sector in between, discover sample programs that resonate with your organization's vision and pave the way for a culture of continuous learning and improvement.

Are you a SaaS provider, program designer, publisher, author or facilitator looking to expand your reach and impact?

Kickstart your journey with us by filling out the application below :

Data For Ai
Apply as Publisher


List your books, podcasts, videos and training materials to sell as a dataset for training Ai models.

For Publishing Houses, Authors, Copyright Owners, Educational Content Writers, Production Companies.

Apply as SaaS


Plademy provides secured and smooth connection between enterprise softwares and organizations.

For SaaS companies that develop HRIS, Mentoring SaaS, Assestment Tools, Surveys, Communication Tools, Employee Engagement Solutions

List Your Programs


Let organizations find your great development *programs on Plademy.

*For program designers and consultants that provide learning and development, talent management, employee engagement, mentoring, coaching and training programs for corporations.


List your *facilitation services on Plademy to make development programs easy for corporations.

*For experts, consultants ans consulting firms that provide facilitation for mentoring programs, training programs, organizational development programs and employee programs.

Manage Your Development Programs Effortlessly

Employee Engagement
Employee Mentoring And Coaching
Sales Team Development

Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

Leadership & High Potentials
Communication Skills
Corporate Culture Building

Teams & Collaboration